Accept with all glee :)

Vimal of V-lokam has awarded me here. He has presented me with one award which I don’t reall think I deserve which is the “Brillante Weblog Premio – 2008” and has extended his forever blogging friendship with the “Blogging forever friends”.

I gleefully acccept both. Who will I be kidding if I said humbly in this case? I love getting such awards 🙂 Thank you Vimal.

I am to pass these awards on.

I chose to pass the Brillante Weblog Premio – 2008 to Laksh,  Quirky Indian , Nikhil ,Shefaly , Spillay, Dinesh Babu

I have found a lot of support on this space who have been supportive through my tough days. I extend my hand of blogging friendship to all of them.

Special mention friends here are Spillay , Mitr (doesn’t her name say it?) , Rajitha, Imp’s mom, Indian Home Maker, Kris, Muse , Sulz, Reema, Nikhil & Aparna. This feels like one of those long Oscar acceptance speeches where the list to thank never ends; so now I can relate. The BFF card is given to all others who have taken their time to read and comment here anonymously or alphabetised themselves ;). Laksh, A-kay, and some of the silent readers of my blog who have had the fortune(?) of knowing me for quite a few years….you all know you have no escape from me (evil grin! 🙂 ) and have endured me all along. 😉

11 thoughts on “Accept with all glee :)

  1. aww thank you for the mention, so sweet. 😀 *hugs* can’t imagine being in your shoes, going through what you went through… but i’m sure you’ll come out stronger from the experience! and hopefully love will come soon (what’s keeping him so long, huh?? 😉 ).

    You are welcome Sulz. Oh! yeah about him..don’t know; trying not to think 😉

  2. Hi Apar. CONGRATULATIONS on recieving the awards! You deserve them!!! Thank you also for passing them onto me – I trully appreciate your gesture. Take care sweety 🙂

    Thank you Spillay. You deserve them as well 🙂

  3. Thank you.. Thank You… I accept your friendship for eternity, happily.. No fights.. no protests.. just Thank You.. 😀

    Well, you don’t know what you are getting into accepting it do ya? 😉 You are welcome You are welcome..truly welcome 😀 and beware 😉

  4. Oh, thank you! I love to read your blog! I like the BFF credit card very much. 🙂
    Congrats on both the awards, you brave and wonderful soul.

    Thanks Muse…I wish I really felt brave though 😉 getting there hopefully 😀 with all your support and encouragement

  5. Awww…beautiful acceptance speech :D, very well deserved. And please add the honest blogger award from me to you too…the klutz that I am, did not add any names on my post…

    And thank you for the BFF Gold Card…absolutely luve it 🙂

    Thanks Imp’s mom! 🙂 btw, that goes with a big hug and kiss to the imp 😉

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